A while back I received an award from Kelly at A Place of My Own - Shining Light: The blogger that receives this award has left a comment or written a post that has helped light the way for the blogger who presents them with the award.
I also received the honest scrap award for Aingeal over at Mum's Survival Guide
I also received the honest scrap award for Aingeal over at Mum's Survival Guide
I am ever so proud of this, as it signifies and highlights what blogging means for me. It is a community of people who I am happy to call my friends. I am all for offering support, in one way as a mother I find other mothers the first to judge, but also offer great advise and support. I would rather be positive and offer support.
Kelly say this of the award "Please take this award in the spirit that it is meant and adorn your blogs with it as you see fit. You can keep it, you can pass it on today, you can hold on and pass it on when someone really helps you. You do not need to be on this list to give this award to another blogger, if there is someone that you feel deserves it please just take it. No rules, no meme, just a special way of acknowledging how we help each other. I am sure I will have occasion to pass this on to others in the future". A perfect sentiment in my book and a great reason for an award.
Now the meme that goes with this is I have to list 10 things that no-one knows about me. Well I will try, but adding the disclaimer that MadDad knows all there is to know!!
I hate birds, no I really do, their flippy, flappy wings urgggggg. They give me the creeps
My secret vice is nutella and peanut butter sandwiches I suffered really serious PND after giving birth to MiniMad and refused to acknowledge it until he was a year old and it was far too advanced.
I am still receive counselling and treatment and he is 3 year old.
I only learned to drive when I was 32 and passed my test when I was 32 weeks pregnant with MiniMad.
I used to have a serious and responsible job, but nothing is more responsible than raising children in my opinion.
I used to be a perfectionist and something of a control freak before the children came along.
I had a dog called raffles
My husband is my hero
I would die for my family
The deal is pass this on to 10 bloggers who blogs I admire, now you may have received this award before, but I wanted to pass it on as a sign that I really love your blog. I would also like to pass it on to a number of bloggers who I would like to know more about or who are just starting out.
Bad Penny at the HenHouse as she has lived such an interesting life and I want to know more!
Flos at Troc Broc and Recup as I am so envious of where she lives and love all her finds
Geriatric Mummy as I know there is so much more information there waiting to come flooding out as she holds a wealth of information on Holistic Health and Aromatherapy.
Overflowing Mum at The Overflowing Family as I am in so much admiration that she has six children, is a child psychologist, business woman and still manages to be a great mum
Sew Scrumptious as I love her fabric porn and the fact that she is gathering 70 presents for her mum for her birthday at Christmas!!
Stephanie at Bah! to cancer, this woman is an inspiration, she has and is dancing with cancer in such a way that even Craig Revel Horwood would give her a 10 and also tell her how fab u lous daaaarling she is!
Liz at Violet Posy for all the support she has given me - she is fantastic and made the wonderful Crafting with Children button.
Josie at Sleep is for the weak - she is trying hard to be the best mum she can to Kai, plus she gives me inspiration each week with the Wedensday Weekly Writing Prompts and and she called me the Queen of Creative (I was so happy).
Sandy at Baby Baby - I really identify with Sandy, we both had children close together and her blog just seems so familiar.
New Mummy - I read her Wednesday Writing post and sat with tears in my eyes. It is not often that you read such a honest and brutal post.
So a bit of Friday Link love going on, enjoy and thank you from me!

Awww thankyou so much xxx
Thank you so much hun x x
OMG soo chuffed Jen, thx everso :D I only hope my lil ole blog can live up to this !!! Now forgive me, but as a novice not sure what to do now. Am I meant to do the 10 things nobody knows, and or the 10 blogs ? I do know that I am meant to do some interesting holistic type posts now ;) Big love x
Oh, that's really kind, Jen! You really do deserve this award - really!
Well done on your awards - well deserved :)
Very well deserved indeed. And thank you so much for your kind posts over at mine xx
Thanks so much for the award. Thats really lovely of you! x
Well deserved indeed!
I'm not sure if you got my email, but your bear is ready. Can you email me re payment? Thanks! xx
Congratulations to all! I was 30 when I learnt to drive, and I totally agree with you that bringing up children is the most important job, but it is not appreciated enough or given the merit it deserves! suzie xxx
ooh thank you - a lovely suprise to come home to. Well done, you deserve yours.
I'll pop it up later when I've got myself sorted just got home from long long train journey
xx P
Oh how lovely! thanks so much my Queen... ;) x
Wow! Thank you so very much. xx
We are very similar! Thanks for the award, I have just posted it x
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