I think the sun forgot our little park of the North East today.
So we have spent the day baking.
Maxi did all the weighing and measuring
Mini did most of the stirring and tasting
We have had a lot of fun and made lots of cakes
Oat and raisin cooks and mince pies (mini's favorites)
Many Muffins, sweet mincemeat and St Stephens Day Muffins, in addition to some fairy cakes.
Whilst I was busy in the kitchen, MadDad tended the garden, including planting out the courgettes and cucumbers.
Everything is looking great and really coming along.
He also washed and cleaned the cars, ready for the trip we are taking today to Emma Bridgewater's Factory to celebrate their 25th Anniversary with them. We are very excited and I am sure will have loads to show and tell you.