I know it has been a while since I last did a craft showcase, but real life has been getting in the way of our crafting mojo, plus the first glimpses of spring have had us out and about as much as possible.
However, with Easter Nearly upon us we are starting to do a few more things and I have seen some wonderful inspiring Easter Craft post out in the Blogging community, so without further ado, I would love it you would like any children's craft posts you have and I present my Easter Edition.
Easy Easter Chick Cards
Googly Eggs
Glue Stick
Foam or card for beaks
Fold card in half and draw and then cut out a semi circle, it doesn't have to be perfect remember, in fact having a flattish bottom allows for the card to stand better.
Stick on feathers as wings and tail and add an eye and a beak - how simple is that!
Again almost too simple, but perfect for little ones to do all on their own.
Home Made Painted Pots
I did this tutorial over at Kelly's A place of my own for the blog swap, but it is a perfect craft for over Easter with the children, so please pop on over and take a look.
Paper Mache Tissue Eggs
Egg shells
Paper Mache Glue
Tissue Paper or Newspaper
We have been collecting eggshells for planting our seeds in and rather than blowing out and decorating eggs, we decided to have a goo at piercing two halves back together and then covering in paper mache
We have been lucky enough to receive some wonderful packages in the post (more about them next week) and decided to recycle the packaging some wonderful tissue paper. So we tore the paper in to pieces, which the boys adored doing.
For the glue I used some paper mache paste we had in the cupboard, which as bought from Asda a while ago, but you can make your own paste from flour and water.
The boys then used the tissue to cover the eggs and hold them together. This was a really fun, but very messy project and the eggs have quite a time to dry (ours are still wet 2 days later!)
We plan to decorate them further with some beads, glitter and ribbon and hang from our twig lights.
So if I have inspired you to get crafting with your children, or you have any recent children's craft you would just like to showcase the, please add your link below:
Penny · 782 weeks ago
CathyatNurtureStore · 782 weeks ago
suzie sroka · 782 weeks ago
mrs yappy dog · 782 weeks ago
angela · 782 weeks ago
Crystal Jigsaw · 782 weeks ago
CJ xx
Nova · 782 weeks ago
Dotterel 69p · 782 weeks ago
Dotterel 69p · 782 weeks ago
maria · 782 weeks ago
Annie · 782 weeks ago
Diney · 782 weeks ago
whoatemycrayons · 782 weeks ago
Emma · 782 weeks ago
Anna @ Evie George · 782 weeks ago
maggy redtedart · 781 weeks ago
Fancy doing a Guest post for me redtedart.wordpress.com - would be more than happy to reciprocate!!!
Also doing a craft carnival (kelly nominated you for it) - DO PLEASE take part in the future. Lets spread the crafty word and inspire others!!!
urban craft · 781 weeks ago