Thursday 21 January 2010

Consistency has been the Key

I thought it was about time I updated you on the MiniMad situation and I am pleased to say that we seen to be going in the right directions with the temper tantrums.

I have put my action list in to play and we have drastically reduced the number of incidents and also blessedly the length of any tantrums which do start.

I have not succumbed to any of my curly hair terrorists demands and as someone commented you do not negotiate with terrorists!

The main things that have made the biggest difference are:

  • Setting expectations of what I want him to do.
  • Counting down to when we are doing it ie 5 mins to school drop off, 2 mins, 1 min.
  • Rewarding his positive behaviour with points
I am much more calm, he is much better behaved and Maxi, well that is another post entirely.  Part of the problem is that mini, wants to do everything that maxi can and do.  So roll on June when he can start swimming lessons and in the next could of weeks he will be starting football tots too.

Getting back in to a routine now the snow has gone has really helped too, we are going to toddlers, duckings and playdates again.

So a big thank you to everyone that commented, gave advise and gave me hope.  It has made a huge difference to our day to day life.  Cheers.

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