Change, that words sweeps a world of emotion over me at this time. It makes me feel a little scared, a little worried, a little apprehensive for what will be, for you see my world is turning and changing. My whole family is experiencing the winds of change.
I have lost my youngest companion, my wonderful Mini to school this week and it is a huge change in my life.
My balance is off, my sense of direction skewed and I am not sure which way I should be facing.
For you see, my child, my wonderful confident, happy child has embraced this change in his life with open arms and gone running in to the unknown to breathe in all he can. To learn new skills, make new friends, experience new things, to learn to be still in life and to also use the life lessons I have spend the last four years instilling in him. He makes me proud, proud that he is confident enough in himself to feel the joy of newness.
Maxi too is being stellar about the change from Reception to Year one, which is some ways is harder than the transition Mini is going through from preschool to reception. Maxi now has a timetable, regular break times and regular lessons throughout the week. He has more responsibilities within the class structure too. He is relishing the changes and is enjoying being back at school.
But for me it is harder, I put on a brave face, a happy front and will not allow them to see my feelings or to pick up on my anxieties, for these are mine not their to be concerned about.
So what of me, well I am trying to put my best foot forward and look at this change as an opportunity. A beginning, yes the beginning of the new me. I am still looking for part time paid work (writing, PA, sewing, anything for some extra money), but in the interim I will be going in to school twice a week and baking with the 90 reception class children. 3 children at a time, so hopefully I will have baked with them all by Christmas.
I am going to be making biscuits with them and some of these children will have never baked before. Many of them will think that biscuits come from a packet. We live in Teesside, which is where the BBC predict the public spending cuts to hit hardest.
This post was inspired by this weeks writing workshop over at Sleep is for the week and more speicfically by the work that Sian, Mummy-Tips Josie, Sleep is for the Weak and Eva, Nixdminx are doing on behalf of Save the Children
Every year almost 9 million children under the age of five die, most of them from preventable illnesses such as diarrhoea, pneumonia and malaria.
At the end of September Nick Clegg will be at the UN Summit in New York. Ten years ago world leaders set targets, called Millennium Development Goals , to reduce poverty, hunger and disease. So please sign the petition to get Nick Clegg to push for commitment to the targets at the UN Summit. Lets make change happen for the people less fortunate than us.