I feel like an expert, now I have survived the first four days of both the boys going to school, so I am compiling my top tips for starting school, so I can remember them for next year (oh and look back on them after the each half term break)!
School clothes
School clothes
I have the boys school clothes hung in their wardrobes in sets and they get them out the night before along with a pair of underpants and socks. I also get my own clothes out the night before.
School shoes
I am a big fan of the spray on protector and then we use good old leather polish. The boys help me clean their shoes every Friday, yes it can be messy but a lot of fun too.
School Bag and Coat
We have hangers at child's eye level and I make the children hang up their coats when the come in from school. We also have a set place for their book bags too.
Dinner Money
Many schools will accept dinner money, weekly, monthly or on a term by term basis. I pay monthly, that way I don't have to worry about change every Monday morning. The same with snack money.
I swear by my Organised Mum Family Calender, which runs from September until the following December and I love using the stickers that come with it. I make sure I record the whole school years dates on it as soon as I get them. I also record class mates birthdays etc the week before they take place so that I get cards and presents sorted.
Exercise, fresh air and sustenance is important after school
I always find that the boys behave pretty well at school (I know I am not sure who they swap them with), but they do need to let off steam afterwards, so I make sure that weather permitting we go home via the park and that I also pack drinks and a snack as the boys are always hungry (but then they are boys). If it is raining that I will take their wellies and we can puddle jump on the way home.
Sleep, Sleep and More Sleep
I am a sticker for going to bed a decent hour, not only do the boys need their sleep, but I need my down time too. I had to wake Mini this morning at 7.30, he had been asleep more than 12 hours!
There are studies that have proved that a good breakfast is key to learning. I have to say I thought I had it covered, as Maxi is a porridge every morning boy, but Mini is another matter, getting him to eat anything is a challenge on a morning!
Don't expect too much after school for the first two weeks.
It is hard to transition back to going to school, so don't expect your children to do much after school for the first couple of weeks. Be patient and know that they will be tired and ratty.
I would love to hear your top tips for surviving back to school after the holidays.
PS Sorry for the poor picture, Mini stood on my camera!