They don't get much more adorable than this, do they?
I am so lucky to have two such wonderful children, so some special things about my boys.
I love nothing more than my morning snuggles with Mini, he often comes and joins us at some point during the night and we love it, we are cherishing the fact that he wants to be close to both me and MadDad.;;;;;I
I love the fact that tucking Maxi in to bed is always such a treat, he is usually asleep before you even get out of the room!
It is hard to believe that Mini is very nearly as tall as Maxi and he now has size 10 and a half feet!
I am so impressed with Maxi's reading, it is coming on in leaps and bounds and he gets really animated when reading to us on an evening, the four of us sit together on the sofa and really love this time.
I also really like the fact that they are becoming part of our neighbourhood and love that they are often called on to come out and play (I go up to my bedroom and watch them out the window).
I think maybe the time is coming for the stabilisers to come off Maxi's bike. We are only holding off, as we know that what one does the other always wants to follow.
There is nothing better than coming home to two boys who make my heart sing and make most things a joy.
They both blamanche or milky jelly. They adore making it, which couldn't be simpler. Dissolve the jelly in a quarter of a pint of boiling water, allow to cool but not set and then add half a pint of milk, pour in to moulds then pop in the fridge 30mins later you have this....