I am starting to get my creative mojo back after a nasty bout of Flu and Vertigo and it feels good. No it actually feels great.
Inspired by the signs of new shoots and Spring outside my front door I have made new cushion covers for both the sitting room and the conservatory/playroom.
Simple envelope style, in the sitting room from some seconds Laura Ashley picked up last year.
Something a little more funcky in the conservatiry, Pop Garden By Heather Baily.
I have also been making birthday presents for Maxi's friends. Simple personalised purses filled with wooden beads.
Sugar cubes, inspired by ...... I can not find the post, so if it was you, please tell me.
I am not sure where the sun has gone this morning though, it is very dark and grey. I am off to the GP for some blood tests (Still feeling not right) and then for a day of play with my boys.
We are really enjoying our Easter Holidays.
I am not sure where the sun has gone this morning though, it is very dark and grey. I am off to the GP for some blood tests (Still feeling not right) and then for a day of play with my boys.
We are really enjoying our Easter Holidays.