What goes around comes around and it is no wonder that the nursing staff and consultant treated you in the way they did. Your language was appalling, you were forever off having a cigarette and missed rounds twice, you answered your phone in front of the Consultant. Courtesy and politeness cost nothing, even if you are in pain. You are young, you will learn.
A very Angry Mad
Dear Nursing Staff
Thank you very much for the superb treatment I received this week, I know that you are understaffed and underpaid, but you really did make things much easier for me. You work non stop for your whole shift and still found the time to come and sit with me and explain again about my treatment.
A very grateful Mad
Dear Consultant and sidekicks
Again a great big thank you for putting my mind at rest regarding any possible cancer and for explaining everything to me so clearly and concisely and then doing it again when MadDad visited. It can be so hard to explain my paranoia sometimes with out sounding like a complete hypochondriac and a loon.
An OK there is something wrong, but it's not cancer
Dear Blood Donors
A huge big up to all those of you who regularly give blood, without you I would not be home with my boys. I had four pints of some generous peoples blood and it really makes a difference, often a life or death one. I can not put in words how thankful I am
Yours vampire Mad
Dear Mini and Maxi Mad
I know the hospital is a scary place that brings back memories of a terrible time, but I wanted to let you know that I was and am so proud of the way you behaved when you visited me, you made me a very happy mummy indeed.
A besotted MummyMad
Dearest MadDad
Well what can I say, sorry to keep putting you through these sleepless nights worrying about me. At least it isn't cancer, we can deal with whatever it may be. Plus you run the house and the boys better than me!
Your loving wife
If you have a Dear so and so letter then come along and link it at Kats at 3 Bedroom Bungalow