Wednesday 19 May 2010

Writing Workshop - The best things come to those who wait

The best things come to those who wait, well that's what they say.
I am not good at waiting, no I don't have a patient bone in my body.
If I want something then I want it yesterday.  I want it NOW.
I have been known to stamp my feet and bat my eyelashes to try and get what I want.
But what about when not one can give you that thing?
What then?

For me I hid my need, I pretended that I was happy.
I even managed to convince myself that life was good.
And it was.  I was happy.
I lived a good life, a great life and managed not to think about what was missing.
But ever so often, something happened to make me realise what was missing.
Something that made me take a sharp breath in order to take the pain away.
Where was I, yes life was good.

Every so often, I would be given hope, only to have it dashed.
I was given glimpses in to the life that might be.
Sometimes these periods lasted six weeks, sometimes a lot longer.
But each time they were fleeting, leaving me with a sense of deja vu.
Each time I came back stronger and more determined that there was nothing missing in my life.
We talked about the fact that we were content with our lot and I was finally resigned to what I had.
Then it happened, something collided and the planets aligned.
Finally after years of waiting,
After the heartache of getting close, far too close on occasion.
We were blessed with a happy, healthy baby.
And then just like buses who seem to come all at once.
fifteen months later we were blessed with another.

No I no longer need to convince myself that life is good.
life really is good, we really didn't know just what we were missing.
I didn't realise that my jigsaw puzzle had four pieces.
But now I have what I wanted all along and I am not going to stop giving my all.
I am happy.

This week for Sleep is for the Weaks Writing Workshop I chose Prompt 2 Write about something that was worth waiting for – what was worth the patience and frustration?
-Inspired by new mummy’s Tiddlyompompom and And One more Means Five who both had gorgeous babies this last week. Congratulations!

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