Maxi getting excited over playing with his Fun Domino's (a christmas present)
I am grateful:
- My wonderful Saturday lie ins and being woken by my boys with a cup of tea.
- Living nearby the sea, I love the ever changing landscape the sea brings.
- The crocus' just poking out their green tips in next doors garden
- Family dinners.
- That my mums hand has healed well and that they have popped a fibre glass pop on which is much lighter for her.
- That we have packed mums case and she is all set to go on holiday tomorrow
- That the boys adore their cousins and spent a lovely afternoon with my Brother, SIL and Niece and us yesterday.
- That my Farther In Law dropped off a sack of potatoes from the farm.
- For my early morning Sunday cuddles with the mini's whilst letting MadDad have a reciprocal lie in.
- Music, my home is filled with all sorts of music at the moment the mini's are singing Monkey Man and it is wonderful.
- Baking. The smell of food we have made cooking is just divine.
What are you grateful for this Sunday?
Mini chilling with music on my ipod!