I love lots of photo's and favorite choice changes with my mood, the time of day and well the month, year and all that jazz too.
At the moment my favorite photo is not one I took, but one that Mrs W from Clinically fed Up took when we were at The Mad Awards. I love it because it captures the whirlwinds that are my boys.
Then I have my second favorite one, why well this is because it captures all of us Mads, happy laughing and generally having fun.
And you see that is the beauty of an image, it is a snap shot, a trigger of a memory, a certain moment in time, which is precious for a certain reason and even more precious at certain times.
For me at the moment, it is my boys, my family that is getting me through each day and night, so they are my favorite and my best (as Lola would say)!
See more favorites over at this weeks Gallery