I love cooking and baking with the boys and for me the secret is letting go and dealing with the mess afterwards, plus good planning, making sure all the ingredients are out and the equipment etc. I think that by empowering the boys to cook and bake it will stand them in good stead as they get older, plus they can start cooking dinner and feed me!
Also it might not look perfect, but I can assure you it tastes mighty fine. So I bring you Maxi's chocolate cakes and biscuits.
Basic Biscuit Recipe
I use one without egg and it is fine if over handled, so perfect for children
175g/6oz Plain Flour
100g/4oz Butter or Margarine
50g/2oz Caster Sugar
Pre-heat oven to 180
Cream the butter or margarine and caster sugar
Stir in the flour and once mixed knead the dough together until it forms a ball
Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface until it is about 5mm thick
Spooky Chocolate Web Cakes
6 oz margarine
6 oz caster sugar
5 oz self raising floor
1 oz coco powder
1 tsp Baking Powder
1 egg
2 tablespoons milk
Icing Sugar
Hot water
Cream margarine and sugar
Add eggs, flour, coco powder and baking powder, then 2 tbls of milk
Cook for 15 minutes at 180 degrees.
To make the web, mix icing sugar and hot water and cover the cake. Create a swirl in black icing (we used Silver Spoon Black Designer Icing kindly supplied by Silver Spoon) and then take a cocktail stick and drag the icing out towards the edge.
These cakes are all Maxi's own work and they looked fantastic and tasted even better!
I would like to say thank you to Silver Spoon for supplying me and the boys with some of their cake decorating goodies.
We are entering in the Big Autumn Bakeoff with this!